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San Diego Wedding Photographers

Creative wedding photography for modern couples

San Diego Wedding Photographers is a collaboration between hand-selected wedding photographers in the San Diego area. We live here, work here, know the wedding venues well, and love everything about San Diego. We are dedicated to producing creative wedding photography at a price attainable to most wedding couples, with many customizable solutions. We understand the complexities of the wedding day, and are prepared for any situation. In our portfolio, you will see our examples of our distinctive style, and our unique approach to wedding photography.


We are often asked about our approach to San Diego wedding photography and why expertise in the local area matters. Our short answer is that by photographing the most popular San Diego venues for years, and knowing the locations inside and out, we are extremely prepared. Of course we still scout San Diego wedding locations to keep updated ideal shooting locations. But chances are we will have photographed at your venue a number of times and will bring our creative ideas of the best areas to photograph. We even have our own favorite secret spots!

As San Diego wedding photography professionals, we are constantly refining our skills and looking to push the bounds of what can be done creatively and artistically. For example, in addition to the must-have shots, we will have our own concepts of how to frame any given scenario. This ensures a lot of good coverage throughout your event, as well as unique standout images that encapsulate the entire day. Even with years of experience behind us, we never stop working to achieve beautiful wedding photography for our San Diego area clients.

We look forward to talking over your San Diego wedding photography needs and answering any questions you may have.

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And… the next generation. My son is the light of my life, and an emerging talent behind the camera. Like my parents did for me, I will support whatever direction he chooses. But if he wants to stick with it and become a third-generation photographer, that would be just fine with me.

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